
Kale, kale, kale, kale ....

According to the post "7 Reasons Kale Is the New Beef" by Jill Ettinger, kale is more nutritious than other leafy greens and stacks up as an important "futurefood."  (While I didn't see anything in the article to support the idea that kale alone could be substituted directly for beef in our diets, I did learn some interesting facts about kale!)

Which is good news for me.  I just recently discovered kale chips and now I feel really good about eating them!  (I'm not sure what the cooking process does, if anything, to the beneficial aspects of the vegetable.)

How does one make kale chips, you ask?  Lately, I've just been winging it.  But if you want a recipe, have a look at these:

That should get you started.

You're welcome!